Thursday, March 11, 2010


What are the requirements for creating such an event as the ECMA's? I suggest it is the horrendous amount of work and dedication along with an incredible obsession for the details without losing sight of the bigger picture. It takes a certain type of person to deal with the pressures that accompany such work and my hat goes off to those involved. An event such as the ECMAs is experienced differently by all in attendance. However, as a recreation student and recording studio employee I would like to impose my observations of the weekend.

Starting the ECMAs I was greeted by Ariel Hyatt, a talented soul gifted with an ability that does not fear the vast insanity of the internet. Setting an entire day surrounded by my classmate of the CyberPr boot camp I was able to met and get to know people that I would never have approached randomly.

That night while indulging in some fine lemon water at the Crown and Moose pub I began to watch musician after musician suffer through gigs. To those of you that own any venue such as this please, please, PLEASE have the sense to design it so that more then 10 people are able to enjoy the show you are providing. I have been in too many bars that feel they can host such events when the layout and setup is disgraceful and demeaning to the art of music. Harsh? I know but, really you're not advertising yourself as a house party, more then 20 people are expecting to be entertained.

Thanks to Bell Aliant who were smart enough to provide the beautiful iMac's instead of PC's for attendants use. You could have been shunned for life but instead it was a great business move.

Hands together for whoever decided to bring in Mr. Tom Jackson. The sessions were a little short but it is good to help artist know the Live Performance is still important; we should not be trying to kill the art.

For those of you that do not know me I create most of my humor from the harsh reality and express it in the bluntest form I can comfortably display. With that said who thought of the international speed dating idea? Genius, I will admit but, are you trying to kill those of us with poor social skills? In all seriousness the one-on-ones are a great idea but, what if someone wants a threesome. I only have one thing to say about the International Delegates.... "Keep 'em comin" their nice accents and connection allows us all to accept we are not the centre of the universe.

The Awards show is deserving of it's own blog The stage set was great. Capturing the depth and presenting a professional look. The inclusion of a side stage was a life saver for the high content needing to be presented. It was still too lengthy even with the side stage but, I will admit to my complete disgust of whatever musicians left the show early leaving their fellow musicians to perform to a gutted out audience. I don't care how long it was, I suggest you show more support to other people in your industry or expect nothing less from them in return.

My experience as a whole was good and I am excited to attend again next year.

Yours truly

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