Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time to Dominate!

Considering so may of you are so engulfed in my blog, and such addicted readers of my great and profound thoughts and ideas, I am sure you are all been craving another post from me. Yes, I know I only have 5 people subscribed (lovely) individuals (most of them are just their because they feel obligated to be). But, this is ok with me. I am a learning individual and I like giving people the chance to learn with me even if all they really want is for me to shut up. My dad alway told me I should be a lawyer yet, I don’t think he thought about the fact that I would have to learn to give other people a chance to speak. I would get in that court room and act like I was the main attraction and everyone had come to get my opinion. Everyone else would be seat fillers, including the judge.

Now to put in my two cents about all you musicians out their that think you have it all figured out....... “YOU DON’T!” Believe it or not your not going to make it if I (or someone with more power and money then me) can’t find your contact or booking information on your website. Seriously, if I want to give you some $$,$$$ shouldn’t it be easy for me? I mean really? I think the idea of “Starving Musician” is all your own fault if your going to make me work to give you money. “PUT YOUR INFORMATION ON YOUR WEBSITES!!” Seriously, this is not a joke!

On to other pressing news I currently need to pee...... Just thought you should let you all know that. Hey, it is a serious fact of life and one most learn to hold it in order to uphold some form of social standing. Musicians, when you are on stage please consider your audience and pee before starting your set. It is not that difficult!

I am sure everyone knows who Brittany Spears is..... am I right? Don’t screw up your face I didn’t ask if you liked her. I asked if you know who she is? Do you think any of Brittany Spear’s social media networks has a picture of a cartoon jelly bean on it? “NO” there is I picture of her. Everyone can describe Brittany Spears in some way. So why do you local musician post pictures unrelated to you or music as your profile picture on social media outlets? If you have.... you have probably been “unfollowed” from me on tweeter because I don’t remember you and your profile picture says nothing to me that I don’t want to get tweets about jelly beans. However, I am willing to give you a second chance.... If you fb me and ask me to follow you I well re-follow you do to the fact I know you have read this blog and consider me important.

Peace out

Monday, April 19, 2010

How much is it worth?

Many people find it easy to walk into an event and pick apart all the things that they feel are wrong. I do this on a regular bases. Consider being able to walk into an event and become so engulfed, so moved, so taken in by the experience that you walk away a changed person. That is what Tom Jackson would consider "creating moments". I would also like you to consider having an audience of thousands (yes, I know it is every musicians dream) but, how do you create moments in such cases? Finally able to produce enough revenue yet no longer able to really, truly connect with your fans on an individual bases as you once did.

Musicians need to live and event organizers understand that they deserve a payment of reasonable size in order to continue in music. However, in my experience event organizers are not able to pay musicians enough due to the expenses of an event and the lack of willing people to pay for the music. I understand the everything cost money these days and that there is really only enough money to go around. However, most people will tell you that music is a huge part of their lives and they would not know what to do with themselves without it. I ask you this "If you can't live without music, why are you suffocating it?" It is like a relationship where one knows the other will never leave and emotional abuses them crushing the very life and soul out of the over. I have seen this happen and it is saddening to watch. I would hate to think that we are abusing such a powerful and wonderful gift such as music as if it will never leave use.

Support your local musician and don't suffocate the music around you!

Yours Truly

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Website

For those of you that have read my pitch you know that I like to have things organized and easy to understand. Websites that are too cluttered really upset me. I am currently sorting through the mass of papers that have been stacked up on my desk and I realize that I can't handle all the disorganization yet I need to find all my notes for my website. However, at the rate that information and idea are coming to me I am finding it impossible to keep up with. So, I am setting out for a quest to label and organize my thoughts.

Social Networking is a hard cookie to crack considering the masses of information and techniques. I am currently working on my website (self designing) and I have noticed something. While doing research for what should be included on my website I have found that very few people who do the sort of things I do, does not own websites. They preach to their clients that websites are very important yet they do not own their own. Talk about some serious "do what I say, not what I do" happening here. I am however enjoying this experience because I get to learn first hand what the musicians have to consider and how they feel when I tell them to get on top of their social networking and media online. It is a very time consuming and frustrating for those of us inexperienced soles. This blog has been brought to you out of frustration and a cry for more hours in the day.

Yours truly

Thursday, March 11, 2010


What are the requirements for creating such an event as the ECMA's? I suggest it is the horrendous amount of work and dedication along with an incredible obsession for the details without losing sight of the bigger picture. It takes a certain type of person to deal with the pressures that accompany such work and my hat goes off to those involved. An event such as the ECMAs is experienced differently by all in attendance. However, as a recreation student and recording studio employee I would like to impose my observations of the weekend.

Starting the ECMAs I was greeted by Ariel Hyatt, a talented soul gifted with an ability that does not fear the vast insanity of the internet. Setting an entire day surrounded by my classmate of the CyberPr boot camp I was able to met and get to know people that I would never have approached randomly.

That night while indulging in some fine lemon water at the Crown and Moose pub I began to watch musician after musician suffer through gigs. To those of you that own any venue such as this please, please, PLEASE have the sense to design it so that more then 10 people are able to enjoy the show you are providing. I have been in too many bars that feel they can host such events when the layout and setup is disgraceful and demeaning to the art of music. Harsh? I know but, really you're not advertising yourself as a house party, more then 20 people are expecting to be entertained.

Thanks to Bell Aliant who were smart enough to provide the beautiful iMac's instead of PC's for attendants use. You could have been shunned for life but instead it was a great business move.

Hands together for whoever decided to bring in Mr. Tom Jackson. The sessions were a little short but it is good to help artist know the Live Performance is still important; we should not be trying to kill the art.

For those of you that do not know me I create most of my humor from the harsh reality and express it in the bluntest form I can comfortably display. With that said who thought of the international speed dating idea? Genius, I will admit but, are you trying to kill those of us with poor social skills? In all seriousness the one-on-ones are a great idea but, what if someone wants a threesome. I only have one thing to say about the International Delegates.... "Keep 'em comin" their nice accents and connection allows us all to accept we are not the centre of the universe.

The Awards show is deserving of it's own blog The stage set was great. Capturing the depth and presenting a professional look. The inclusion of a side stage was a life saver for the high content needing to be presented. It was still too lengthy even with the side stage but, I will admit to my complete disgust of whatever musicians left the show early leaving their fellow musicians to perform to a gutted out audience. I don't care how long it was, I suggest you show more support to other people in your industry or expect nothing less from them in return.

My experience as a whole was good and I am excited to attend again next year.

Yours truly

Monday, March 1, 2010

An Interesting weekend!

Dedication and love for what you do are what makes work such a rewarding experience. The details and naturally beauty of Newfoundland are incredible. The people you spend and share it with make it all rememberable. I have lived here my whole life yet, I grow to love it more and more every time I can get out on the road and enjoy the rock that God must have put a little extra work in. However, I must admit the studio, my home and bed are great. Touring is one thing that I wish was more part of my job. The idea of meeting new people, see the sights and traveling with friends sounds too fun. Yet My talents are mostly in an office but, it means I can spend lots of time with close family and friends, and most importantly my bed (thats a joke). If you are a musician never ignore the inspiration around you. Don't worry about what it is. Everyone can relate to the things around you like Jell-O and everyone will understand and enjoy it. If I were to write about this past weekend It would be about how plans never seem to go as expected and how once things start to go wrong you seem to always dig yourself deeper and deeper. However, it is always "An Interesting Weekend". That is a good idea! Keep in touch and I may be able to write up some Lyrics for that!

Yours Truly
Kayla Ball

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cyber PR

So, I still only have one follower. But, all the same it means I don't make a fool of myself as I write this stuff and get use to the whole Blogging thing. I have recently discovered that I know nothing about Facebook or Twitter. The cyber Pr course I am doing is get more and more difficult as I strive to keep up with all the homework and making it all compatible to what I do, Which I still have trouble disturbing. I note to all you Artist and music professional. Get on the internet and learn how to do these things , they are great tools but they take time to learn.

I'm out

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Will you be my Valentine?

I was once told that females in the music industry are all single. The late nights and party scenes where business occurs makes it hard to maintain a relationship. I will admit I consider myself married to my work but, I am willing to consider a continuing affair with another human life form of the male gender. To be successful the desire to work hard and persistently most be in your blood. Resistance to beat down (which I will admit is an area that I require work) is essential. Someone will always disagree with what you are down and for some reason people like to express their disapproval more then ones extreme appreciation. Having people around you to help you pul through is important, My advice is not to push them away.

Yours Truly

Friday, February 5, 2010

How do your name become creditable?

I have no idea how a person can keep creditability when at least a same percentage of what they do are destain to fail. Learning experiences they call them. I agree you can learn from experiences such as these but, when your research an idea you have a you are associated with something that didn't go as planed it seems as though people have started to assume you will fail. this is how I felt today. Everything I touched today after dinner was a mess that I need to try and clean up tomorrow and try to save some of the creditability to my name, if there was even something there to begin with. The unknown is always what scares people. It is hard to prepare for or deal with something when you don't know what it is. Therefore trouble shooting and vigorous planning is important. I am a firm believer in committees. It allows a body of minds to find areas that may cause problems and reduce the risk before it even happens. Therefore my tip of the day is to always have a committee or people to talk to about anything you plan to execute.

Yours Truly
Kayla Ball

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New experiences, exciting opportunities!

Upon starting a Cyber Pr Bootcamp through the studio they asked for my blog information. Take note that this course is probably set up for musician that should probably get something like a blog. However, me I like to keep my musical talents away from the public. There are many thing I can do more successful behind the publics eye. I am not really sure what this blog is going to be used for. I really don't want to talk about my personal life (hence the fact it is personal) and I really don't want it to be a bore for any subscribers. I of course would love for it to be about music yet, I don't want to give away all contacts and information considering the music business is all about who you know and networks you are able to tap into. We are however going to try this and see what comes out. I am involved in many things and hope that someday it can all work together as my own personal network.

This Was Yours Truly
Kayla Ball